F1GP-EdF1GP-Ed Documentation

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It should be noted that the camera parameters below do not always produce
the results you would expect - so I suggest you experiment.

Length of Shot
   The time a shot from the trackside camera should last, before viewing is
automatically switched to the next camera. Acceptable values range from 0
to 128.
 (default is 16)

Tracking Speed
   How long the chase camera takes to catch up with the car. Acceptable
values range from 0 to 128.
 (default is 64)

   How close the camera is to the car.  High values mean the camera will be
very close.  Acceptable values range from 0 to 32767.  This affects the
chase views.
 (default is 30848)

   How high the camera is from ground level.  A value of 0 means ground
level. Acceptable values range from 0 to 8192, although a minimum of around
10 is suggested otherwise you will be looking up through the track at
floating cars!
 (default is 384)

   This affects only the view from the cockpit.  Physically the car will
always be at the same height.
 (default is 160)

   There are 6 presets for you to choose from, which provide you with some
good, varied views.  You may only alter settings in the "Custom" preset.

Redefine Keys
   Redefine the keys used to switch views and cars.

Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.